Church Roll
The ‘Church Roll’, sometimes called an Electoral Roll, is G2's official membership list. It’s how the Church of England records regular church attendance. Being on the Roll helps us to know who is connected to G2 and allows you to vote to elect the members of the St Michael le Belfrey parochial church council (PCC), which G2 is a part of.
If you’ve been baptised in water (not necessarily at G2 or a C of E church), consider yourself part of G2, and have been involved for six months or more, we’d love you to sign up.
If you have any questions about this form or joining the Church Roll, please contact Hannah Smith (hannah.smith@g2york.org), who will be pleased to help you.
The Church Roll form is quite easy to fill in, but because it is an official form, some of the language can be confusing.
Your details
To join the Church Roll, we need your name and address.
We do not pass your details on to others and keep your data private (see g2york.org/privacy).
Entering your email and/or phone number is not required, but it will help us to stay connected to you.
Question 1
To join the Church Roll, you must be baptised in water (sometimes called 'Christened'). If you are not baptised, we'd love to chat about how you can take this step. Your baptism can have been in any Christian church.
Any person over the age of 16 (who meets the other requirements) can join the Church Roll.
If you turn 16 in the next year, you can complete the form now, but please also supply your date of birth so you can be automatically entered onto the Roll on your sixteenth birthday.
You need to have regularly attended public worship at G2 during the last six months, which doesn’t mean every week, but just that you come whenever you can.
If you’ve been coming to G2 for less than 6 months, you’re not able to join the electoral roll just yet, but once you’ve been worshipping with us regularly for 6 months, you’ll be welcome to apply!
Question 2
Option 2A – You live in the Deanery of York and are a member of the Church of England (including G2).
If you live in the area covered by the Deanery of York (see map below) and you are part of the Church of England, including G2, then this is the option for you. If you are also a member of another Anglican church in communion with the Church of England (e.g., Church of Ireland, Church in Wales, Scottish Episcopal Church), you can also tick this box (see this list for more information).
Option 2B – You don’t live in the Deanery of York but are a member of G2 (or another Church of England church).
If you don’t live in the area covered by the Deanery of York (see map below) and you are part of the Church of England, including G2, then this is your option. If you are also a member of another Anglican church in communion with the Church of England (e.g., Church of Ireland, Church in Wales, Scottish Episcopal Church), you can also tick this box (see this list for more information).
Option 2C – You are a committed member of another Christian church and part of the Church of England (including G2).
If you belong to a church that is not in full communion with the Church of England (e.g., a Baptist, Methodist, or independent church) but you also consider yourself a member of G2 and therefore the Church of England, then tick this box. Your church must believe in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Please indicate whether you are a ‘Member of the Church of England’, or a church/denomination ‘in communion with the Church of England’, or you are ‘a member in good standing’ with another Christian church/denomination.
The Church Council
The G2 Council is a subcommittee of St Michael le Belfrey PCC that exists to ensure good governance and church health for G2, a church plant of St Michael le Belfrey and a Bishops Mission Initiative (with a Bishops Mission Order) of the Diocese of York.
G2 Church Council currently comprises: Hannah Smith, Chris Bevington, Alison Grey, The Archdeacon of York, Joe McKeogh, and Andy Baker.
Map of the Deanery of York