
Support the work of G2

We long for everyone in York to have the opportunity to discover hope, live for Jesus and share the good news with others. We gather together every Sunday, run kids groups, spend time reaching students and raise up leaders. All of this costs money and that money comes from the generous donations of our church community. If you consider yourself a part of G2, then you are invited to step into the generosity journey now.

What do you have that God hasn't given you? And if everything you have is from God, why boast as though it were not a gift?

1 Corinthians 4

Discipleship and stewardship 2024

Take any book of the Bible, choose a chapter and you will likely find something about stewardship. Scripture covers stewardship of the Earth, of possessions, of time and of course money. God has lots to say about it, and he calls us to be generous with what we have, as he has been with us. Being a disciple of Jesus and being part of a local church means investing into your community with time, love and money. Why not pray and seek what God is saying to you about this? In the meantime, here are some figures to show what it costs to run G2 compared to what is given.

The gap

As you can see, unless we can raise our income, there will be a shortfall of £11k by the end of the year. This is just to continue doing what we are doing, but there is so much more we could do - imagine running banquet events for people to encounter the love of Jesus, we could run weekly youth nights, connecting with young people from the local school, we would love to have a more permanent space to use for mid-week events and office space.

Would you would prayerfully consider increasing or starting your regular giving to G2? We don't know your situation, how much you already give or how else you spend your money so this is not coming with any agenda or expectation! We are simply asking you to pray about it.

If you give via churchsuite it's very easy to amend your giving but if you need any help then do reach out to Hannah or Kat and we can explain how to do it.

Thank you

Each person should give as they have decided in their heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, because God loves a cheerful giver

2 Corinthians 9:7

Other giving information

Thank you so much for giving and for playing your part in what God’s doing in our church and city. We couldn’t do it without you!

  • Our giving is managed through a system called 'ChurchSuite' which can be accessed online or using an app on your phone. ChurchSuite is available for download at the App Store or Google Play. You can give using your bank account, debit card or Apple Pay. You have the options to make a one off gift, or set up a regular gift, and also manage your gift aid. You can stop giving at any time. You can stop giving at any time.

  • G2 is a satellite church of St Michael le Belfrey Church in York, which is a registered charity in England and Wales no. 1130866.

  • The registered address is St Michael le Belfrey Church, The Parish Centre, 11 Minster Yard, York YO1 7HH.

  • If you are a UK tax-payer you can increase the value of your giving, at no cost to yourself, by filling in a GiftAid form. Higher-rate tax payers will also receive a small tax rebate if you declare your giving to G2 on your tax return.

  • We can supply a statement of your giving, for example if you are fill ing in a tax return. Send an email to, stating what period you need.

  • If you would like information about other ways to give, including Payroll Giving and Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) giving, or have any other questions, please contact

    Thank you so much for giving and for playing your part in what God’s doing in our church and city. We couldn’t do it without you!