Mission Partners

As part of our purpose to make disciples who make disciples, we are connected to people and organisations who are sharing Jesus’ love in different contexts beyond York.

Here are some of our mission partners who we support in prayer and finances.

Rosie & Stuart Bayford

Working in brazil to help those who need it most

Rosie and Stu have had a passion for South America since Rosie spent time there on her gap year and they went as a couple in 2016.

They have been part of our church family since Rosie started at York University over 10 years ago.

James & Tash

Working with Arab speaking refugees in South-East Europe

G2 supports James and Natasha as they seek to share the good news in the Middle East.  Natasha came to G2 when she was a student in York, and worked as a student work intern for the church.

They are connecting with refugees and share the good news of hope through Jesus.


Helping every student to find hope in Jesus and home in the local church

A student’s time at university is unique and special - for just a few years they live among peers and grow from young persons to adults. This is a great opportunity for students to discover Jesus for themselves and share their faith with their friends.

G2 partners with Fusion whose mission is to help all students to find hope in Jesus and home in the local church.


Finding and freeing children in slavery today

Millions of people around the world are at risk of everyday violence — crimes like slavery, trafficking, violence against women and children and police abuse of power.

IJM is a global organisation working with local authorities, partners and survivors to stop slavery and violence.